company developed the ...

2016-07-08 15:17Source:
company developed the production of new viscosity reducer
           and experiments successful at LiBao oil field

       In order to adapt to “fight cold winter, strives for the survival “of jiangsu oilfield development situation, to solve production factory LiBao block of 12 heavy oil Wells by electric heating insulation model for the production of the high cost. For this purpose, the company researched through unremitting efforts, repeated experiments, developed a new type of adhesive.
 At the end of January this year, on this area, respectively, in BAO1-1, ANFENG28  two Wells dosing trial. After the experiment many times, the adding the viscosity agent of BAO1-1 well load down significantly, and the electric heating is turned off and normal production. Through the application of adhesive products, this block have greatly reduced the oil well electric heating fee, by the calculation, single well electricity saving of about 2000 yuan, reduce 50%. At present the product is ready to promote to other Wells, oil field will benefit the further radiation circle.