Agent type of water tr...

2016-03-31 15:29Source:
Corrosion inhibitor

A class of chemicals that can be used to prevent or slow down the corrosion of metal materials or equipment in the form of appropriate concentration and form. It has the characteristics of good effect, less consumption, convenient use and so on. There are many types and varieties of corrosion inhibitors, according to the types of compounds, can be divided into inorganic and organic corrosion inhibitor. The inhibition of the reaction is anodic reaction, cathode reaction or both, can be divided into anodic type corrosion inhibitor, cathodic type inhibitor or mixed type corrosion inhibitor. The corrosion inhibitor can also be divided into the passive film type, the precipitation film type and the adsorption film type by the mechanism of forming a protective film on the metal surface. In water treatment commonly used in the passive film type corrosion agents such as chromate, nitrite, molybdate and; common precipitation membrane type corrosion inhibitor polymeric phosphate, zinc salt; commonly used adsorption membrane type corrosion agent such as organic amine.


The earliest scale inhibitor is polypropylene acid (sodium), which has a good scale inhibition performance on calcium carbonate scale, but the inhibition effect of calcium phosphate deposition is very low. This kind of poly carboxylic acid type scale inhibitor not only has the function of agglomeration and dispersion, but also causes the crystal lattice distortion in the growth process, which hinders the solid deposition of the metal heat transfer surface. Later, it was found that the acrylic acid copolymer had excellent inhibition ability to the two, thus gradually replacing the polypropylene acid (sodium). Organic polybasic phosphonic acid salt is anion type corrosion inhibitor and non stoichiometric chelating scale inhibitor, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, plasma not only has significantly lower limit of the role, and to other agents and synergistic effect, widely used in cooling water treatment. The organic phosphate ester is a cationic inhibitor, and the scale inhibition mechanism is mainly the crystal lattice distortion. It is a kind of corrosion inhibitor for metal iron, but it also has the function of controlling the calcium scale. The dosage is smaller and can be hydrolyzed, so there is no accumulation of reagent amount and pollution problem.

Since the 80s of the 20th century, people have developed a sulfonic acid groups and phosphate groups of the copolymer of new products. They have good scale inhibition and dispersion ability, and has certain corrosion inhibition. Copolymers containing phosphine, carboxyl and sulfonic acid group were synthesized and Liang Haiyan. It and organic phosphonic acid, carboxylic acid and sulfonic acid groups of the advantages, in water not only has good resistance calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate scale ability and good particle dispersion can be considered to be a multifunctional agents, can be widely used in iron and steel, metallurgy, chemical industry, industrial circulating cooling water and boiler water areas.

Scale inhibitor

Also known as scale inhibitor, which can inhibit the calcium and magnesium salts and other chemicals to form scale scaling. Natural inhibitors such as tannin, lignin derivatives; inorganic inhibitor such as six partial sodium phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, etc.; organic polymer, scale inhibitor, which polymer scale inhibitor effect best, with future development. Widely used in water treatment in organic and polymer scale inhibitors are of two kinds: organic phosphonic acids such as edtmps (ethylene diamine tetra (methylene phosphonic acid), HEDP (hydroxy ethylene diphosphonic acid), poly carboxylic acid, such as polyacrylic acid salt, hydrolysis of poly maleic anhydride and so on. The scale inhibition effect of these two kinds of scale inhibitors is usually achieved through the crystal lattice distortion, and the dispersion and aggregation function, and the system is widely used in oilfield water, boiler water and industrial cooling water.


Also known as bactericidal algae or sludge stripping agent, anti sludge agent, etc., refers to a class of microorganisms used to inhibit the growth of algae and other microorganisms in the water, to prevent the formation of microbial slime chemicals. Usually divided into oxidizing and non oxidizing fungicides two types of fungicides. Oxidative bactericidal agent, such as commonly used chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, bleaching powder, the main components of calcium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, etc.; non oxidizing bactericide has good effect, widely used is destroying the bacterial cell wall and cytoplasm of chemicals, such as quaternary ammonium salt. Quaternary ammonium salt such as chlorinated dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium bromide or dodecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium, often both sterilization, peeling, corrosion inhibition, future development. It has been used in oil field water, industrial cooling water.


A class of chemicals used to remove or reduce turbidity or suspended solids in water to speed up the settling of impurities and sludge in water. By the earliest application of flocculant is inorganic flocculants, such as alum, ferric chloride. Organic and polymeric flocculant are widely used in water supply and wastewater treatment in the future. Can be divided into anionic flocculant, such as carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium polyacrylate, cationic flocculant, such as polyethylene amine, etc., as well as non ionic flocculant, such as polyacrylamide and so on. The flocculation effect is realized mainly by charge neutralization and adsorption bridging.

Purifying agent

Used in the water treatment of oil field is a kind of special chemicals to remove oily wastewater in mechanical impurities and oil, its role besides the flocculants the separation of suspended solids or mechanical impurities, also has separation of oil and water purification. Therefore, in addition to the purification agent containing a general flocculant components such as aluminum salts, polyacrylamide, etc., often contain a number of surface active agent. For the purification effect of purifying agent, the general use of membrane filter to be measured, with the filter factor (see filter) the size of the purification effect of good or bad.

Cleaning agent

A class of chemicals with cleaning action. In the preprocessing step of water treatment, it is often necessary to use some chemical cleaning equipment metal surface sediments, such as corrosion and scale and microbial slime. According to the different requirements of cleaning, cleaning