Characteristics of wat...

2016-03-31 15:27Source:
1, sterilization, disinfection: disinfection of water can be divided into two kinds of chemical and physical. Physical disinfection methods have heating method, UV method and ultrasonic method; chemical method with chlorination, ozone method, heavy metal ion and other oxidant method.

2, magnetization: the use of magnetic field effect on the treatment of water, known as the magnetization of water treatment.

3, precision filtration technology: the use of special materials made of microporous filter, filter membrane, the use of its uniform pore size, to intercept the water particles, bacteria, etc., so that it can not be removed through the filter, the filter membrane. Precision filtration is capable of filtering micron scale (m) or nano scale (nm) particles and bacteria. It is widely used in water treatment.

4, ultra filtration technology: ultra filtration is a kind of membrane separation technology. Is in under pressure (pressure 0.07-0.7Mpa, the highest not more than 1.05Mpa), water flowing on the membrane surface, water and dissolved salts and other electrolytes in is tiny particles, is able to permeate ultrafiltration membrane, and large molecular weight particles and colloidal substances by ultrafiltration membrane blocked, so that part of the water particles separation technology. The pore diameter of the UF membrane is determined by the molecular weight of the material with a certain amount of molecular weight.

5: ozone is a gas has a special smell of fish is blue, under normal temperature, the molecular formula is O3. Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen, it at room temperature can be automatically decomposed into single oxygen atom and a single oxygen atom has strong oxidizing. Ozone but the bacteria and fungi are the protein oxidation, degeneration, the electrolyte loss of function, can kill bacteria reproductive body and spores, viruses, fungi, and destroy botulinum toxin, can remove and destroy air, water, food poison and bacteria, in addition to smell, widely used in food production of disinfection and sterilization processes. Ozone in disinfection, sterilization process only produce non-toxic oxides, excess ozone is ultimately reduced to oxygen, there is no residue on the disinfected items, can be directly used for food disinfection and sterilization.

6, ion exchange: the so-called ion exchange, that is, ions in the water and ion exchange resin on the ion, the charge of the reaction. Ion exchange reaction of H + type cation exchange resin HR and Na + in water exchange reaction process, for example: HR+Na+=Na++H+ from known: in the ion exchange reaction, the water cations (NA) is transferred onto the resin and ion exchange resin on a commutative h into the water. The process of Na transfer from water to resin is ion exchange process. The process of exchange of H on the resin to the water is called the free process. Therefore, as a result of the free and replacement process, making the Na and H swap positions, this change is called ion exchange.

7, ultraviolet mercury lamp when the candle is lighted to emit wavelength 1400nm-4900nm ultraviolet (1nm=10-10m), the light can penetrate the bacterial cell wall and kill microbes to disinfection and sterilization. UV wavelengths around 2600nm effect is best. Ultraviolet disinfection is mainly used in the treatment of small amount of drinking water. Its characteristics are: strong killing ability, short contact time; simple equipment, convenient operation and management, treated water is colorless, tasteless, no toxic harm; does not increase as chloride ions of chlorine antivirus.

8, adsorption water purification technology: mainly refers to the activated carbon and other materials with adsorption capacity of adsorption technology. Here only to activated carbon characteristics, brief introduction: activated carbon is widely used in drinking water and food industry, chemical industry, electric power and other industrial water purification, dehydrogenation, degreasing and deodorizing, and the like. In general, the removal of 63%-86% colloidal substances; about 50% of the iron; and 47%-60% of the organic material.