Ten major focus of Chi...

1970-01-01 08:00Source:
Recently, the national development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Bureau, Ministry of industry and information technology jointly developed "on the" Internet plus wisdom "energy development guidance" issued. "Opinions" proposed that the energy Internet construction in the near future will be divided into two stages, ahead of the pilot demonstration, follow-up to promote the application, and clear ten key tasks.

The "opinions" clear the target of the construction of the energy Internet: 2016 to 2018, efforts to promote energy Internet pilot and demonstration work, the completion of a number of different types, different sizes of pilot demonstration projects. 2019 ~ 2025, efforts to promote the diversification of energy Internet, large-scale development, the initial completion of the energy Internet industry system, the formation of a more comprehensive technology and standard system and promote the realization of internationalization.

"Opinions" required to actively promote the ten major tasks, namely to promote the construction of intelligent energy production and consumption infrastructure, encourage coal, oil and gas exploitation processing and utilization of the whole chain of intelligent transformation, implementation of fossil energy green, clean and efficient production; strengthen the comprehensive energy cooperation to promote energy and information network construction; the communication infrastructure to create Internet depth of integration; energy ecological system of open sharing, foster the sale of electricity, comprehensive energy operator and the third party service provider and other new market; the development of energy storage and a new mode of electric vehicle; new model can be used to develop wisdom; cultivate green energy flexible market model; development of energy data service application; key technologies to promote the energy of the Internet; the construction of international leading energy Internet standard system.