Oil and gas fields of ...

1970-01-01 08:00Source:
As we all know, oil and natural gas belongs to the non renewable resources, with the land resources exploration and development continued in-depth, mankind will aim the look to the wider ocean, exploration and development of offshore oil and gas resources is gradually becoming human ease the tension of energy, an important way to increase the supply of natural oil.

In recent days, the national development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Bureau released the energy technology innovation action plan (2016~2030 year) "(hereinafter referred to as the" plan of action ") and supporting documents the energy technology revolution centered on innovation action route map" (hereinafter referred to as the "road map") released over the same period. For the oil and gas industry, "action plan" proposed to "unconventional oil and gas and deep, deep sea oil and gas development technology innovation" as the focus of the task. While the roadmap for the refinement of the action plan, but also on the oil and gas technology innovation strategic direction, objectives, action put forward requirements.

As can be seen, China's oil and gas development in the future will be more from the land to the ocean, relying on scientific and technological productivity, to build an upgraded version of the oil and gas industry development".
The gap is still: independent innovation is the key

Oil and natural gas, as one of the most important strategic resources, is not only related to the development of the national economy, but also related to the country's energy security and its changes in supply and demand and price is a profound impact on people's lives.

Technology determines the future of energy, science and technology to create the future of energy. At present, a new round of energy technology revolution is on the rise, new energy technology products continue to emerge, is and will continue to change the world energy pattern: very unconventional oil and gas exploration on technology the first breakthrough in North America, shale gas, tight oil become long new oil and gas reserves and production, offshore oil and gas exploration and exploitation depth record continue to make breakthroughs in the... Energy technology innovation is more and more profound impact on social and economic development.

Action plan shows that, in recent years, China's oil and gas industry science and technology innovation ability and technical equipment level of autonomy significantly improved, the construction of the a group with international advanced level of major energy technology demonstration project: preliminary control of shale gas, dense oil exploration and development of key equipment and technology, 3000m deepwater semi submersible rigs and other equipment to achieve autonomy, complex terrain and difficult mining area of oil and gas exploration and development technology reached the international advanced level, million tons of oil refining technology reached the international advanced level, large scale natural gas liquefaction, long transmission pipeline electric drive compression units, such as complete sets of equipment to achieve autonomy etc..

Although China's oil and gas industry has made considerable progress in science and technology level and significantly improved, but compared with the world's energy technology power and lead the energy revolution, there is a larger gap. The key is the lack of core technology, key equipment and materials to rely on imports of more prominent, key technology areas such as shale gas long-term to the introduction of digestion and absorption, marine oil and gas exploration and development technology and equipment long-term backward.

Every step of the development of the energy revolution are explained by a truth, that is any key, core technology are not imported, independent innovation is the ultimate goal, to the oil and gas industry is even more so.
Strategic direction: oil and gas development by Lu Zhuanhai

In domestic oil and natural gas consumption continued to rise and the supply of oil and gas resources controlled by others case, China continued to increase exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the land and territorial waters, for the healthy and sustainable development of the national economy to expand oil and gas resources supplies.

"Action plan" for unconventional oil and gas and deep, deep sea oil and gas development, pointed out the three aspects of the strategic direction:

In the aspect of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, in shale oil and gas occurrence mechanism, resources and evaluation etc. the basic theory and technology, shale oil and gas reservoir geological modeling, dynamic prediction and mining technology of shale oil and gas, the long horizontal section of horizontal well to carry out research and research drilling and fracturing technology and key equipment etc.; in the analysis and evaluation of coalbed gas development dynamic deep coalbed methane development, complex reservoir of coalbed gas production and development, efficient and low rank coalbed gas resources evaluation, as well as efficient drainage of coalbed methane wells buck technology to carry out research and research; in the prediction of natural gas hydrate exploration targets and evaluation, drilling and drilling techniques and efficient mining safety evaluation and control, as well as the environmental impact to carry out research and research.

In deep oil and gas exploration and development, with a focus on deep ultra deep oil and gas reservoir geology theory and evaluation, reservoir seismic prediction and safe and fast drilling, deep and super high pressure oil and gas fluid evaluation and reservoir layer depth of the transformation and development of supporting complex storage aspect to carry out research and development and research.

In deep-sea oil and gas development technology and equipment, especially in far-reaching complex sea sea floating drilling platform, underwater production system engineering, pipeline and vertical pipe engineering, deepwater flow security and control, deepwater drilling technology and equipment, and based on the life cycle economic development technology evaluation and selection to carry out research and development and research.

Technology Innovation: the realization of "three big leap forward""

Since entering the 21st century, due to the onshore oil and natural gas resources exploitation difficulty and cost increases, the world oil and gas exploration and exploitation is gradually turning to the oceans, especially in the exploitation of deep-sea oil, rich in oil and gas reserves in the deep sea is gradually becoming a main source of future oil production.

In China because of the relatively small reserves of oil and gas resources, and the resource distribution is complex, resulting in onshore oil and natural gas resources exploration and development cost tall look forward to, the future China will continue to around the "deepening East, strengthen the Midwest, accelerate the sea, expand new" overall train of thought of development, strengthen the exploration and development of offshore oil and gas resources will become a major strategic shift, the plan of action of oil and gas technology innovation, formulated the strategic goal of realizing "Three Leaps".

By 2020, in terms of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, system of shale oil and gas exploration and development technology in general to achieve international advanced level; deep and ultra deep oil and gas resources development; in deepwater oil and gas exploration and development, the formation of independent development of 3000 meters large deepwater oil and gas field engineering and technical ability.

By 2030, the realization of effective exploitation of marine shale gas efficient development and continental shale oil and gas; realize the use of low rank coalbed gas; the effective development of natural gas hydrate formation, initially built natural gas hydrate experimental base. Deep - ultra deep oil and gas resources to effectively develop, exploration and development of buried depth of 8000 meters to break the field, the formation of 6000~7000 meters effective development and mature technology system. Deep sea oil and gas exploration and development technology, the overall level of reach international advanced technology and mature, to achieve deep offshore oil and gas engineering and technology development up to 4000 m water depth, deep-sea oil and gas exploration, drilling and development and production of key engineering technology and equipment complete localization.

By 2050, fully completed advanced shale oil and gas technology system, supporting equipment, tools and materials to the full realization of localization, the shale oil and gas resources in the development of efficient, production continued to grow rapidly, shale oil and gas exploration and development technology of full up to international advanced level, shale oil and gas exploration and development cost is greatly reduced. Fully built deep oil and gas scientific and technological innovation system. A comprehensive breakthrough of deep sea drilling engineering technology and equipment independent manufacturing capacity, built advanced deep sea oil and gas engineering and technology system. Non conventional and deep, deep sea oil and gas resources comprehensive and efficient development, production continued to grow rapidly, becoming the main oil and gas production in china.

Source: China Electric Power News