The current "oil indus...

1970-01-01 08:00Source:
Oil industry under low oil prices is suffering from a huge challenge. Whether it is oil companies or oil service companies, the effectiveness of the decline is the fact that. How to reverse the adverse situation, and lead the company out of the plight, to give shareholders an account to become an important task for managers of oil companies.
After 2014 in the second half of the drop in oil prices, oil industry and service business has taken a pay cuts, layoffs and cuts in investment and other means to respond, these means despite a certain effect, but in general see palliatives, mostly emergency measures and have side effects. Such as excessive layoffs may lead to future development conditions of personnel of the lean, excessive cuts in investment will weaken the foundation for development in future downstream of the structure unbalance and knock on effect of the reserves of fraud.

To fundamentally solve the problem, still need to improve the hematopoietic function, and fully rely on the theory and technology innovation. The scope of innovation is very wide and rich, it can refer to the invention and the invention of new technology, and also includes the inheritance and development of existing technology. The former requires input and accumulation, need period, the results are often uncertain; the latter due to the existing foundation and practical test applications, relatively low cost, but also easy to achieve. Throughout the history of the development of the oil industry at home and abroad can be found, there are many examples of this, to support the U.S. shale oil and gas revolution is an example of technological innovation.

It is well known that the shale oil and gas revolution in the United States is largely due to the combination of hydraulic fracturing technology and horizontal well technology. In fact, hydraulic fracturing technology is an old technology, the application of the U.S. oil industry has more than 60 years of history.

Data show that in 2000 the United States about a total of about 102 thousand barrels of production, the production of barrels / day, accounting for only 2% of the total output of the country. By 2015, the application of hydraulic fracturing technology wells increased to 300 thousand, producing a total of barrels / day of production, accounting for 51% of U.S. oil production. It should be said that the application of hydraulic fracturing technology in the American petroleum industry belongs to "sing new songs", the effect is good. Of course, the application of hydraulic fracturing technology once again a large area of application and the development of shale oil and gas industry in the United states. If there is no oil shale gas revolution, hydraulic fracturing technology may not flourish opportunities, but the problem is that oil shale gas revolution real in occurred. Therefore, if we look at the development of mature technology and evaluation, it must be no outdated technology, only outdated ideas.

The rise of shale oil and gas industry makes the hydraulic fracturing technology in numerous American shale oil and gas wells can be widely used and shine is on the conclusion of most favorable support. Of course, the application of hydraulic fracturing technology in shale oil and gas field is closely related with the development of horizontal well drilling technology. It is the combination of the two to achieve the growth of U.S. oil production more than any time in history, which reflects the integration characteristics, which is actually one of the main ways of technological innovation. If not in the short term to achieve the qualitative leap to create to solve the major technical problems in production, then the local improvement and technology integration has become send in the hope that through technological innovation to achieve a breakthrough in the path and is the only way.
Combination of hydraulic fracturing technology and horizontal well technology in the current stage of the United States shale oil and gas fields are also being constantly being innovative and development. Haines is the famous dry gas zone in the United States of america. In the low price under the influence of shale gas exploitation of the area was small because of profit has been greatly influence. But in the area of 2014-2015 in the area of shale gas extraction re force, a lot of investors to withdraw from the region to re focus on the region's shale gas.

To be sure, if there is no profit space, the region's shale gas mining is not to attract funds to return the. The after reading some consulting agency analysis report found, Haynesville shale gas mining reason to once again rejuvenated and is one of the fundamental reasons is here the oil and gas business and service business first "Baotuan heating", in terms of technology to achieve a breakthrough. But this kind of breakthrough and not their invention of a new technology, but they through collaboration in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technology forward one step, such as in the process of drilling extended the length of branch well, increase the water injection volume. On the other hand plus management measures update, many oil and gas companies to achieve low price production and operation profit. So, low oil and gas prices are not without profit space, the key depends on how to manage the enterprise. In short, do not look down on this small step, it brings the effect of oil and gas producers to take a big step forward.

EIA recently released an analysis of the U.S. oil industry technology development trend analysis reported that the current U.S. oil industry is considering the application of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal wells to be extended. The future combination of hydraulic fracturing technology with horizontal well technology will not be limited to in petroliferous region with such as shale oil with application, the industry consider the hydraulic fracturing technique in a large area for natural gas; hydraulic fracturing technology are not limited to horizontal well drilling technology in combination with, the industry interested in hydraulic fracturing technology with vertical wells combined with exploration.

Can be seen, the development of technology is endless, mature technology is a treasure. Innovation is not the only tall, tall on a major technological breakthrough is certainly important, but it may not be far from the hydrolysis of the near. From the point of view of solving practical problems, the breakthrough of a certain "point" which is composed of a large number of technology is more meaningful. On the present situation of the petroleum industry, under low oil prices, economic efficiency of enterprises plummeted situation, inheritance and development of the oil and gas business and service business of existing technology perhaps more urgent and important, because out of the dilemma of enterprise management of low oil prices is now they need to solve a pressing matter of the moment.

Source: Luo Zuo County on energy