crude drilling Cementi...

1970-01-01 08:00Source:
Cementing is a process of drilling and completion operations indispensable an important part, which includes a lower casing and cementing. Cementing technology is integrated application of technology multi-disciplinary, systematic, one-time and time is short features. The main purpose is to protect and support the cementing of oil and gas wells casing, sealing grease, air and water formations. Currently, what are the main cementing technology?

1. Continuous tube horizontal wells to find water shutoff technology research

Well construction special horizontal well, if not take measures after water, water will continue to rise, seriously hampered the overall development process. Horizontal well water control prerequisite is to find the location of the water, horizontal wells to find water shutoff conventional methods can not adapt to the complex well conditions, greater risks. To this end, the study coiled tubing horizontal wells to find water shutoff technology - Underground switch slide valve and pipe supporting continuous transmission control downhole tool.

The technology down into the coiled tubing tool string switch, mechanically opening or closing the valve switch to achieve sub-segments of different layers of exploitation, to find water and exploitation of low aquifer segment purposes. Use continuous tube production test switch tool change layer, corresponding to the state of the switch valve clear, repeatedly switching, multi-stage selective mining. The coiled tubing horizontal wells to find water shutoff technology in Jidong Oilfield G104-5P79 well after application, the well fluid level 1 464m, Nissan made 152.6 t was reduced to 16.5 t, 2 t by the daily oil production rose to 4.8 t, aqueous quality score from 98.7% down to 70.9%, receive better effect.

The technology is China Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute, the oil gas production equipment in 2008 and began to study, it has been put into application.

2. The amine high cleaning fluid technology

Shengli Oilfield in which there is a large sandstone paragraph oil shale formation, electrical measurement and post-drilling process wellbore serious imbalances, easy to form a large segment of "ice gourd" wellbore, resulting from the drilling Difficult, sticking , coring card electrical cords and other issues, leading to a substantial increase in the cost of drilling, for Shengli Oilfield drilling technology research Institute = for the geological features of the block where the well, developed a high amino clean drilling fluid system.

The system, through its own strong ability to inhibit significantly reduce the dispersion of clay hydration, hydration and partial destruction of the structure of clay, wellbore stability and improved hole cleaning ability. Field application shows that, compared with the similar block, good borehole stability, ROP significantly improve the well-amine electrical measuring success rate of 100 percent, while the well fluid system density, low content of fine particles, the reservoir protective effect is good, has a good application value.

3. Development of cross-linked konjac gum / xanthan gum tune preparations

In the case did not enter the field modulation, bypasses the water injected into the reservoir oil saturation zone and low permeability zone into the well from the permeability region. In order to improve water flooding recovery must hypertonic blocking layer, colloid synergies at the application layer blocking hypertonic very broad, it not only saves expensive colloids also get a better effect than a single colloid.

Researchers konjac glucomannan (KGM) and xanthan gum (XG) blends, organic boron cross-linking agent, developed a new type of composite profile crosslinking agent. By measuring the gel time and gel strength of a determined profile control system for the final recipe: mix 0.8% gum concentration (KF: xanthan gum = 3: 1) + 0.5% (by volume) organic crosslinking agent B + 1% solution (by volume) + 0.5% bactericide (volume ratio) of oxygen scavenger.

The effects of the anti-temperature profile control system, pH, adaptability, shear stability, and simulated core plugging experiments. Experimental results show that the profile system has excellent resistance to temperature, salt and shear resistance, blocking rate of 99.7%.

The technology only in the laboratory experiments without entering promote the use phase.