Yanchang Petroleum 5.7...

2016-08-17 14:24Source:
Leaky house, with rain every ship starts late and had met with the wind.

Yanchang Petroleum appear first loss in a decade have enough people Zaoxin, but unexpectedly high on the book of accounts receivable, provision for bad debts amazing, coupled with joint and several liability guarantee overdue, but also its "worse."

Financial information display, to extend the oil in a public list of debtors, Yanchang County chemical plant, oil production plant Ganguyi service companies or bankruptcy, or been canceled, leading to become bad debts.

In addition, Beijing Building Shaanxi limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Shaanxi Mansion), the Shaanxi provincial government office, Wing insurance impressively, there are 492 million yuan, respectively, other receivables, other receivables 62,822,800 yuan, and 1.22 one hundred million yuan of small advances.

Among them, Beijing and Shaanxi building was insolvent dilemma. According to Yanchang Petroleum has revealed that as of the end of September 2015, Beijing and Shaanxi total assets of 526 million yuan building, total debt was as high as 658 million yuan, total liabilities of 132 million yuan higher than total assets.

Accounts receivable increased year by year, last year reached 5.7 billion

International oil prices continued downward, domestic oil enterprises struggling to survive, to extend the oil began to live frugally. Slow salary pay cut, well beyond the merger, through its earnings can glimpse see the leopard spots.

According to common sense, more than 2,200 in $ 2 billion in hand, the extension of the oil in any case not be such a difficult. Is precisely the problem, not only failed to hand billions of revenue, but long-term losses can not be effectively recovered, and finally to bad debts.

A prosperity, a loss for both sides.

View the petrochemical industry as a whole does not cause enterprises are facing revenue decline funding constraints, a chain, so that enterprises have receivables settlement time delay.

2013 to 2015, to extend the oil accounts receivable increased year after year, were 3.144 billion yuan, 5.587 billion yuan, 5.764 billion yuan. Yanchang Petroleum has also admitted that its accounts receivable balances and aging are increasing, a large amount of funds used, causing much inconvenience to their daily operations.

Recycling years to no avail, 1.4 billion bad debt disturbing

Annual growth of accounts receivable, bad debt provision to extend the amount of oil is also amazing.

By the end of 2015, to extend the oil accounts receivable provision for bad debts has reached 736 million yuan. County chemical plant which extend only for bad debts would amount to 40.6172 million yuan, aged over 5 years. Due to chemical bankrupt, it is expected sum bad debt uncollectible.

And is not expected to recover more than 3 years of aging-related bad debts, the city of Taiyuan-related bad debts Petroleum Limited, its provision for the reason for the contract dispute is expected to 100% can not be recovered. Ganguyi Oil Production Plant Services unit has been canceled is not expected to recover. Xi'an Huayang company has stopped operating, 100% of the relevant receivable is expected uncollectible.

In addition, other receivables, there are also 710 million yuan for bad debts. Among them, only Jing Jing Hospital Center will be 32.3715 million yuan provision for bad debts. Public information network retrieval, Jing Jing Central Hospital is to extend the oil Yulin refinery investment in the construction of a modern, two non-profit general hospitals, hospitals located in Jingbian County, Shaanxi Province, Yulin refinery living area.

This means that the 2015 extension of the oil provision for bad debts total of 1.446 billion yuan, while the loss caused by these bad debts, compared to 5.7 billion of accounts receivable, and more worried.

Shaanxi provincial government office 62.8228 million yuan in arrears?

It is worth mentioning that the extension of the oil in the annual report disclosure, Beijing Building Shaanxi limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Shaanxi Mansion), the Shaanxi provincial government office, Wing insurance and other receivables are also substantial arrears.

Beijing limited liability company of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum in 2002 and funded with a registered capital of 150 million yuan. Yanchang Petroleum annual report, the company's provision for other accounts receivable, accounts of Shaanxi Beijing owed 4.92 billion, aged within 1 year and 1--3 years, the estimated recoverable.

In fact, Beijing and Shaanxi building was insolvent dilemma. According to information extend oil have been disclosed, as of the end of September 2015, total assets of Shaanxi Beijing's 5.26 million, but the total debt was as high as 658 million yuan, total liabilities of 132 million yuan higher than total assets. Yanchang Petroleum Bond prompt, Beijing and Shaanxi Building continued viability of significant uncertainty.

In addition, the Shaanxi provincial government office accounts for 62.8228 million yuan in arrears, aging of 1--3 years, the estimated recoverable. In addition, small advances Wing insurance companies total 122 million yuan, of which 13.3416 million yuan provision for bad debts, the provision ratio was 10.94%.

A subsidiary of the large number of joint guarantee, 23 overdue

Although it is little brother "four barrels of oil", but not in state-owned enterprises in Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum is NO.1.

As a "lead Big Brother" Yanchang Petroleum owns 60 subsidiary companies, the scale is very huge. However, as of last year, these subsidiaries in the security provided by the parties, and there are 25 overdue guarantee.

Among them, the Yanchang Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. to extend the oil field a total of 23 joint responsibility to ensure the occurrence of overdue loan guarantees, for a total amount of 111 million yuan.

In addition, to extend the construction of Xi'an Topsun Group Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Dongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is generally guaranteed loan guarantee 50 million yuan and 900 million yuan respectively, that are overdue occurrence, totaling 059 million yuan.

Total overdue amount of these two types of guarantees have been up to 1.7 billion.

In this regard, Yanchang Petroleum explained above guarantee principal subsidiaries formed by the history of the business before the reorganization. Currently, it is to contact the responsible parties to resolve.

However, the extension of the oil tanks also assume, although its security management system complete and careful control of external guarantee, guarantee the overall risk control, but the risk of overdue loans secured the main cause of the issuer should bear guarantee liability still exists.