Bigger and stronger in...

2016-05-18 14:43Source:
The Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes, three international integrated oil and gas services company's organizational structure, technology research and development management, human resource management and organizational change management is the focus of the research, and further analysis of the three companies management mode to China's enlightenment. Expect research results to give a certain inspiration and reference to the global service and development of Chinese enterprises.

Matrix organization structure

In the three companies, Halliburton and Schlumberger is business oriented, supplemented by regional matrix organization structure, Baker Hughes is dominated by regional, business, supplemented by a matrix organization structure.
1 - three Schlumberger management according to the eight business group, region

From a business perspective, Schlumberger is arranged under the reservoir description, drilling and production of three major groups, each group following a series of related business and technology, such as specialized in Western geophysical geophysical operations belong to reservoir description of the group. Each major service group is responsible for its service and technical excellence, including operations, resource allocation, personnel and finance, etc..

From the geographical point of view, Schlumberger located north America, Latin America, Mexico, Europe & Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Russia and Central Asia and China's eight major regions, the area under 35 district organization responsible for the specific logistics, technology and business coordination, regional organizations as the only customer touch points, organized by the regional coordination of product line for customer service. At the same time, the whole organization has a unified integrated project management, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance, research and development, industry and university affairs, government and public relations and investor relations management platform. From the company's headquarters to the business group to the specific product lines, there are three organizations; from the company's headquarters to the eight regional managers to 35 regional markets, there are three organizations.
2 - by two Halliburton business group, the two hemispheres to management

From a business perspective, Halliburton is divided into two major business groups, the two major business groups is equivalent to two separate companies, separate financial statements. 13 business two business groups, the drilling and evaluation group, including core, directional drilling, drill bit and service, testing and offshore drilling, landmark, logging and perforation business; well completion and production group, including artificial lift, completion tools, boots & coots (borehole pressure control), Multi-Chem (chemical) services, cementing and production services, consulting and project management department for more than two groups provide support.

From the geographical point of view, Halliburton is divided into two hemispheres, eight areas, 39 regional markets and offices. Regional markets for the only customer contact point. In addition, in order to strengthen the status of the eastern hemisphere, the establishment of the second headquarters in Dubai.

At the same time, with Schlumberger, from the product line, including organs at the company headquarters, group and product line three, from the geographical see including corporate headquarters, regional and local market level authorities. General manager under the law, HSE, human resources, strategy, ethics and compliance, accounting, finance, logistics and government affairs, nine deputy general manager to assist in the management of corporate affairs.
3 Hughes Beck - by the four regions, the three major business sector to manage

From a geographical point of view, Hughes Beck is divided into four regions (North America, Latin America, Europe / Africa / Central Asia, the Middle East / Asia Pacific), 19 regional markets, mainly responsible for understanding customer needs and coordinating the services of the business sector. Regional organizations support the oil field services, and are responsible for sales, field operations, and field operations.

From a business point of view, Baker Hughes consists of drilling evaluation and completion fluid producing chemical and reservoir development of three business groups, nine business segments provide drilling, completion and production of oil and gas well of all kinds of products and services. Business sector responsible for marketing, product development and technical support. With headquarters, regional and regional market three organs. General manager of the company under the strategy, manpower, law, information, HSE, finance, technology, president assistant deputy general manager to assist in the management of corporate affairs.

R & D institutions scattered around the world

From three companies 2008-2012 years of R & D investment statistics, 5 years, the absolute R & D investment of 3 companies are increasing year by year trend.

Schlumberger Corp's research and development is divided into basic theory, cutting-edge technology, as well as the application of 3 levels. The research and development project is divided into basic research, applied basic research, main development research, improved research, research value and sustainable development research of 6 kinds of Halliburton. According to the purpose of research and development, Hughes and Beck divide all R & D projects into 4 types: developmental research, technology research, service research and product improvement.

J Len Bbe Semyon in the world has 6 research centers and 8 technology centers, J Len Bbe Semyon research center is established near the University, in order to facilitate cooperation with schools and enterprises. This can be guaranteed to get the most cutting-edge technology, to better understand the challenges and needs of customers.

Harry Burton has 11 research centers in the United States, Singapore, India, Holland, Canada and other regions. Research Center is mainly engaged in research, development, technology and business development and software development, technical services and other types of work, the focus of each research center is different.

Hughes Beck has 11 outstanding global technology centers in the world. Technology research and development includes 2 levels: one is the short-term application technology, focusing on promoting the next generation of products and services; two is a long-term change in the rules of the game key technology research and development.

Human resource management

3 geophysical prospecting companies are very strict recruitment. The amount of selection, not blind pursuit of higher education. Pay attention to employee training. J Len Bbe Semyon believes that the training of employees is the key to the success of the company. Halliburton thinks that knowledge is the key to success of our company, with the employee occupation career training. Hughes Beck for each employee has different training programs, training programs and their direct boss together to develop, the individual annual training plan for the staff to review and update. Beck Hughes also has a strong online training system, at the same time the company has two major training centers in Houston and Dubai. Hughes Beck has a variety of "community of practice", the community consists of experts and managers in this field, to help employees solve problems encountered in various fields. Timely on the management of the company to change the company in 3, Schlumberger organization and management reform is particularly worth mentioning.

1 the organization and management of the reform process

J Len Bbe Semyon in 1998, 2008 and 2010 have carried out several major changes in succession:

Before 1998, Schlumberger consists of 5 independent divisions, each business sector independent accounting, independent management.

In 1998, Schlumberger began to implement the matrix management to business based, supplemented by regional organizations. In order to support the effective operation of the organization, Schlumberger and the part of the decision-making power from the business sector shifted to regional organizations, to balance the rights of business sector and regional organizations, and promote confidence between the parties and team cooperation. In the past 15 years, the organization for Schlumberger has brought success and development.

In 2008, Schlumberger unified research and engineering organization of all, from the business sector to a unified platform in charge.

In 2010, after the acquisition of Smith, Schlumberger and the establishment of a unified service platform support, will all support functions to a platform. Through these changes, as well as some of the corresponding processes, operating system improvements, the company's size advantage can be better play, the overall performance will be improved.

2 Schlumberger research and engineering system reform

J Len Bbe Semyon from 2008 to start the development of research and engineering system reform, is still continuing, has invested $300 million. The purpose of reform: one is to reduce costs, taking into account the different business segments of 125 a product development center with similar challenges, unified into a platform can play an important role in the economies of scale; second is to improve efficiency, through the improvement of the methods and processes of the research and development to improve the rate of R & D input and output.

3 Schlumberger "global service / support sharing system reform

J Len Bbe Semyon from 2010 began to expand the global service / support sharing system reform, including supply chain, transportation, equipment management, logistics, maintenance and distribution of six parts. Change is mainly distributed in the business sector, the original service support functions to integrate, unified management, in order to achieve economies of scale, enhance the performance of this part of the management.

Through the transformation, the business sector has a greater market share, have better financial performance. At the same time, additional market share of the integrated project management of the business sector also in rapid growth from schlumberger.

For Chinese oil enterprises