7 crazy numbers behind...

2016-05-17 14:47Source:

Now all over the world are looking at the world's largest oil company, Saudi Arabia's National Oil Co, Saudi Aramco Saudi. At present, the oil giant is raising money for the listing, in order to reduce the country's excessive dependence on oil.

According to CNBC, a small portion of the Saudi company will be listed in early 2017, with the deal going to be around four stock markets: New York, London, Hongkong and Saudi Riyadh.

Concern is that in prior to the listing of the monster, CNBC the seven significant digits, so that we know more about the world's largest oil company.

2 trillion dollars

Has been actively promoting economic reform and the Deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman think, in this time of IPO listing process, Aramco's valuation is expected to will exceed $2 trillion. This figure is equivalent to about four times the valuation of the Apple Corp, while the Western largest oil producer Exxon Mobil (ExxonMobil) five times.

But for the oil company's worth in the end is how much, the market is also quite controversial. Norway resta energy company (Rystad energy senior partner per Magnus nysveen believes that if we want to support the prince of Saudi Arabia in the mouth of the valuation, trading price of the oil must be 70 U. S. dollars / barrel, rather than the now $45 a barrel.

Dubai consultancy Qamar energy founder Robin mills is the valuation of the oil company should be in the range of $250 billion to $400 billion, because in Saudi Arabia, the oil companies must pay huge taxes and the current oil market is facing long-term decline.

It is necessary here to say that the Saudi Deputy crown prince, the international media called "leading international oil prices people". This year only 30 of the Saudi Deputy crown prince had control of Saudi energy and forces the lifeblood. He also had threatened not fear falling oil prices, expression to carry the determination of low oil prices, frozen production agreement of the biggest obstacle must belong to him.

It can be said that the 2016 the world economy is in the hands of the hands of a 30 year old man (bottom right), he is the son of the king of Saudi Arabia, is not the first in line to the throne, deputy crown prince Salman.

At present, under his leadership, the Saudi government has begun to cast a few are considered inefficient, inconsistent with the current reform of the tone of the minister, such as the recent shock of the world's Saudi oil minister was forced to leave.

Media speculation that the Saudi Deputy crown prince very likely will oil as a political tool. He had also suggested that if rival Iran of trying to after years of sanctions recapture market share that Saudi Arabia can easily yield increased to more than 1100 million barrels a day.

However, in deputy crown prince to reduce dependence on petroleum industry for purpose of economic reform plan, perhaps should have more sources of income to ensure the transformation of Saudi Arabia in the post petroleum era.

There are 1 barrels of oil in the world of 8 barrels per day.

May oil companies say that 1 barrels of oil are produced by the world's 8 barrels per day, which is about 12% of global oil production, and more than any other oil producer.

The company's average daily production of 10 million 300 thousand barrels, is its biggest rival Russian National Oil Co average daily production of two hundred, is 3 times as much as in the oil.
May oil company said its current oil reserves of 261 billion barrels, enough to maintain the company in the next few years to consume. That is more than the whole of North America's oil reserves.

Saudi Arabia has more oil reserves of 267 billion barrels, which is almost 16% of the world's total, according to the report by BP (BP). But not everyone thinks the data is reasonable.

Energy Nysveen Rystad think Saudi official data have been exaggerated, they refer to the underground oil reserves of 267 billion barrels, according to the unified rules, this data is completely impossible to prove."

1 million barrels

1 million barrels of oil per day is about the size of the United States purchased from Saudi arabia. The amount of Saudi oil imported from Japan is almost as much as in India.

According to Rystad data show that China is Saudi Arabia's largest overseas customers to buy about 1 million 400 thousand barrels a day.

Approximately 75% of the company's oil companies are sold overseas, while the domestic market is mainly sold at a discount.

93% tax rate

May the oil did not specifically disclose how much tax each year, but Mills Robin is expected, due to the company almost all income will be handed over to the state, so the tax expenditure should be accounted for 93% of revenue.

In fact, the Saudi oil sector accounts for about 87% of the national budget revenue.

Such a high tax rate is likely to deter investors from buying stakes in the company because they worry about whether they will get a fair share of the profits.

But mills says in the current IPO, the company and the Saudi Crown Prince is likely will reconsider the current tax arrangements, "if they reduce tax, the company may get valuation of $2 trillion."

9.90 dollars

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are the only two countries in the world that can reduce the cost of pumping oil to $10 / barrel.

Many other major oil producing countries have higher pumping costs, which means that they suffer from greater losses in the low price war.

Saudi Arabia is also facing a lower income, but it is not as if they were forced to close.

That's why even if the market is facing a downturn in oil prices, they are still producing large amounts of oil, which is good for the country to keep its share in the oil market.
65000 employees

AMI oil said that in a country of 28 million people, the number of employees of the AMI oil company has reached 65000 people.

But on the other hand, the company estimates that, on its current job creation, either directly or indirectly, about 200 thousand people. And, in the next ten years, with the company in other related industries, such as chemical products, this figure is expected to increase to about 500 thousand.