I was deep in the end ...

2016-04-07 14:51Source:
According to the development and Reform Commission official website news, February, 1622 million tons of crude oil production, an increase of 0.4%; 4173 million tons of crude oil processing volume, increase of 13.7%, 2609 million tons of refined oil yield, growth of 13.5%; 2095 million tons of refined oil consumption, an increase of 1.1% gasoline, which grew by 9.3% and diesel, fell 9.2%. End of the end of the chain to improve the inventory of finished 3 million 610 thousand tons, an increase of 1 million 570 thousand tons, at a higher level.

1-2 months, 33.9 million tons of crude oil production, down 0.9%; 82.83 million tons of crude oil processing volume, growth of 8.9%, 51.92 million tons of refined oil production, increase of 8.5%; refined oil consumption 4451 million tons, an increase of 2.4% gasoline, which increased by 14.8% diesel fell 9.3%.