Global energy internet...

2016-04-07 14:51Source:
2016 global energy Internet Conference opened in Beijing in March 30th, Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong attended and delivered a speech.

Wang Yong pointed out that energy is an important material basis for economic and social development. The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy transformation, in recent years to actively promote the development of clean energy, accelerate the construction of clean low-carbon energy supply system, has become the world's largest renewable energy utilization. China will take further measures to speed up the transformation of energy, promote sustainable and rapid development of clean energy, and out of a clean, efficient, safe and sustainable energy development.

Wang Yong stressed that the energy Internet is to promote the strategic support of the energy revolution, building a global energy Internet, the need to work together with countries around the world. Countries should consensus, strengthen policy coordination, form the open sharing of international energy cooperation in the new trend, closely around the key technologies and equipment to carry out joint research, break through the constraints of the technical problems of global energy development of the Internet; jointly promote the energy Internet standardization construction, building a comprehensive, advanced, covering industry related international standard system; together to strengthen energy Internet security protection system, against network attacks, and effectively protect the energy security of the Internet, and strive to achieve energy and economy, society, environment, coordinated and sustainable development.