China's natural gas wi...

2018-04-04 13:44Source:

With the booming development of China's natural gas consumption, the problems exposed by the natural gas industry are becoming more and more prominent.How to promote the reform of the price and system of natural gas, and the effective guarantee of supply security have become the focus of the industry.


      Liu YiJun, a professor at China petroleum university, told reporters in a recent interview that it is expected that over the next decade, the structural reform of natural gas industry chain and the market reform of natural gas price will be carried out.China's natural gas industry chain will enter the mature stage, and the formation of a competitive industrial chain structure will become the key guarantee for the sustainable development of the industry.

He pointed out: In the future, we should also focus on the "dual-track system" for residents' gas prices and non-resident gas prices and improve the gas pricing mechanism for Chinese residents.From the perspective of market-oriented reform of civil gas prices, there are no less than 3 problems going to be solved: the price lacks variety, the serious price "cross subsidy", the lack of the gas price system of the civil gas with heating.

      "To adapt the civil gas pricing mechanism to the development and reform needs of the whole natural gas price market, the whole process is going to last for a long time, maybe a decade or so." Liu predicted.


      At the same time, how to combine the specific constraints of China with the operation mode of the natural gas pipeline network and choose the appropriate operation and supervision mode will be formed and improved in the next decade.Its pricing will also be reformed.