Integrated thermal / compound plugging agent JD-2000

2019-04-18 14:49Source:

First, the use of products
Chlorine dioxide (CLO2) is a light yellow gas, the chemical nature of the active, has a strong oxidation ability. The company's compound solution plugging agent JD-2000 is a compound type blocking agent with chlorine dioxide as the main component. It is suitable for the pH value of a large, under acidic conditions in an unstable state, and in the alkaline conditions in a stable state. Compound solution blocking agent JD-2000 mixed with acid, 5-15 minutes after the time will soon be activated into a non stable state. Activated chlorine dioxide has a strong oxidation performance, can decompose a variety of organic substances, can make hydrogen sulfide gas is oxidized. The specific function has dissolved ferrous sulfide, ferrous sulfide precipitation does not produce two times. Can cause the polymer to be oxidized and destroyed, so that the amino acid molecules of the bacteria can be destroyed. Therefore, in Acidization when using compound deplugging agent can completely eliminate ferrous sulfide, biological organic matter, polymer residue, PAM and all cause reservoir damage of oxidizable blockage, achieve ideal acidizing effect. Compound plugging agent is stable in alkaline aqueous solution, which is non-toxic, tasteless, colorless, transparent, no corrosion, no play, no burning, no matter transportation, storage and use are very safe. And without any side effects on the human body, therefore, the security of the application is guaranteed.
In the measures of increasing production and injection of oil field, the new technology of the combination of the compound solution blocking agent JD-2000 and hydrochloric acid combined treatment has been more mature, showing the characteristics of high technology. The United States has used the technology successfully construction of 1000 wells, stimulation effect significantly. Compared with the technology of using hydrochloric acid for acidification, the technology is being paid more and more attention by people.

Two, technical requirements
Project Index
Appearance Clear and transparent, no mechanical impurities of the liquid
Odor No peculiar smell
Stability (54-57 degree 14h, effective content loss),% ≤15
ClO2 content,% ≥3
Corrosion rate (60 C, 4h, N80), g/ (m2.h) ≤5

Three, the use of methods
This product can be applied in the following areas:
1 to completely remove the water injection well due to the blockage caused by bacteria, reduce the injection pressure, improve the ability of water injection, to achieve the effect of increasing injection.
2 for complete removal of ferrous sulfide caused by plugging of oil wells, reduce production pressure difference, and increase the output of crude oil recovery.
3 thoroughly remove the oil reservoir caused by the damage and blockage caused by high polymer residue, improve the productivity of reservoir.
4 to completely remove the polymer flooding caused by the formation of blockage, improve the oil displacement effect.
5 complete removal of ferrous sulfide deposit in the oilfield surface pipeline corrosion, reduce the hydrogen sulfide in oil wells.
According to the specific amount of the design and the actual situation.

Four, storage and transportation
1 stored in a cool, dry place to prevent the sun, can not be stored with acid.
Should pay attention to light light unloading 2 transportation and storage, to prevent heat, impact and inversion.

Five, matters needing attention
1 cannot be stored with acid.
2 in the use of the process, the staff should wear gloves, wear overalls, wear masks and protective glasses. To prevent products splashed into eyes or come into contact with the skin, once the occurrence of the above phenomenon, immediately wash with plenty of water, serious situation timely medical treatment. Sprinkle on the ground should be as far as possible, for a small number of products with soil landfill, you can also use a large amount of water to wash, wash water into the waste water system.