Water damage treatment agent

2019-04-18 14:49Source:

First, the use of products
The water lock damage is one of the main factors of formation damage in various oil reservoir damage factors. In the process of well completion and operation, water base fracturing fluid, washing liquid and so on will cause water lock damage, especially in oil well with low formation pressure and low water content. Oil well construction operations often occur due to pressure drilling fluid leakage, or due to a large number of operating fluid into the formation, and resulting in a decline in oil production or not the oil situation. Water damage treatment agent is a new type of oil field chemical agent, which can effectively prevent and remove the water lock damage caused by entering the formation.

Two, technical requirements





Homogeneous liquid

Density, g/cm3


Surface tension,mN/m(25℃)


Interfacial tension,mN/m(25℃)


Permeability increase rate (with 2%KCl water solution ratio),%


Compatibility with water quality

Soluble in formation water, sea water, brine, forming a transparent liquid

Organic chlorine content,%


Three, the use of methods
When the oil well is used for construction work, the water damage treatment agent is added to the liquid in the pressure well liquid, the washing liquid or other liquid entering the formation, and the application concentration is generally 2% to 4%. When the oil well plugging water locking damage, the water blocking remover with 8% ~ 12% aqueous solution into the formation, treatment radius is larger than 2m.

Four, storage and transportation
1 products stored in ventilated, dry place, prevent direct sunlight, far away from the fire source.
2 transport and handling should be handled gently and prevent violent collision and extrusion.

Five, matters needing attention
In the use process, the staff shall wear labor protection supplies, to prevent the products from entering eyes or contact to the skin, once the occurrence of the above phenomenon, immediately wash with plenty of water, in serious cases, timely medical treatment.